All Episodes
Displaying 31 - 60 of 162 in total
Prophecy Literally Fulfilled: The Ezekiel series, part 64 (36:1-15)
Is prophecy meant to be taken literally, or is it all symbolic? And if it’s both, then how can you know the difference? That’s the question we’re going to answer today...

Esau, Edomites and the Palestinians: The Ezekiel series, part 63 (35:1-15)
We’re coming up on three years since I started this podcast, and when I started it, I didn’t know that by the time we got done, Israel would be attacked in the largest...

The Best is Yet to Come: The Ezekiel series, part 62 (34:11-31)
Ezekiel has not been the easiest book of the Bible to study. Up until today’s lesson, most of it has been dark, depressing, gloomy and full of judgment and wrath. But ...

Good and Bad Pastors: The Ezekiel series, part 61 (34:1-10)
A pastor must be a good public speaker, able to draw large crowds with his authority and charisma. A pastor must be like a CEO, an expert in management and leadership....

Hit Mute and Know God: The Ezekiel series, part 60 (33:21-33)
I have heard all my life about declaring God’s promises. The idea was that certain things in scripture became true in reality as long as you declared them to be so. So...

What “Faith without Works is Dead” Actually Means
Entire books have been written about the thorny theological issue I want to talk about today.James chapter 2. At face value, James 2 seems hard to reconcile with the r...

The Sometimes-Confusing Relationship Between Faith and Works: The Ezekiel series, part 59 (33:10-20)
So we’re in this chapter called Ezekiel’s Greatest Hits. That’s my name for it. Ezekiel 33 recaps some of Ezekiel’s earlier lessons; in fact, some of my favorite lesso...

A Major Announcement about the Future of this Podcast
I am looking at changing this podcast's name to "The Book of Ezekiel: A Cross References Bible Study." I hope you will agree that I have a good reason to make this cha...

Ezekiel’s Greatest Hits: The Ezekiel series, part 58 (33:1-9)
You are probably going to regret listening to today’s episode. I’m just gonna put that out there now. Why do I say that? Do you ever learn something and you just kind ...

Pray With Me
Today, I'm just asking for prayer for the family of a friend of mine. Though my heart is heavy right now, I hope you all have a Happy Memorial Day :)

How Ezekiel Changed My View of God: A Conversation with Nate Vainio (Part 3)
A conversation with Nate Vainio, host of the Something to Gnaw On podcast. He has graciously allowed me to share this interview with my listeners over here for the mon...

Who Was Ezekiel?: A Conversation with Nate Vainio (Part 2)
A conversation with Nate Vainio, host of the Something to Gnaw On podcast. He has graciously allowed me to share this interview with my listeners over here for the mon...

Why Study Ezekiel?: A Conversation with Nate Vainio (Part 1)
A conversation with Nate Vainio, host of the Something to Gnaw On podcast. He has graciously allowed me to share this interview with my listeners over here for the mon...

Egypt in the End Times
Adolph Hitler hoped and prayed that he was this antichrist that the Bible spoke of. Hitler may have been a deranged maniac; he did at least know a thing or two about w...

Pharaoh Takes a Tour of Hell: The Ezekiel series, part 54 (32:17-32)
Death is not the end. A couple episodes ago, I took a little detour into Jude and analyzed this phrase “twice dead.” It was kind of a side-quest because I primarily us...

God Slays the Chaos Dragon: The Ezekiel series, part 53 (32:1-16)
We live in a world of absolute chaos. Where does it all come from? Well, you’ll find out today. Today’s episode will start into chapter 32 of Ezekiel, which will be Go...

“Twice Dead” in Jude
0:00 - Introduction2:00 - The Poetic Language of Jude 12-133:40 - Blemishes at your love feasts6:40 - Clouds without rain8:00 - Autumn trees without fruit9:55 - Foamin...

The Cosmic Tree: The Ezekiel series, part 52 (31:1-18)
Lessons from Loki and Ezekiel 31. No one is too big to fall. Captain America: “There’s only one God, ma’am. And I’m pretty sure He doesn’t dress like that.”The Cross R...

The gods of Egypt: Did God love the Egyptians?
One time I was studying through the book of Exodus and I had this thought: Did God love the Egyptians? It’s a question you’ve probably never really thought much about ...

The Prophecy Against Egypt: The Ezekiel series, part 51 (30:1-26)
On this podcast the past several months, we have studied the prophecies against Ammon, Moab, Philistia and Edom; we studied the prophecy against Tyre in great detail, ...

All Other Ground is Sinking Sand: The Ezekiel series, part 50 (29:1-21)
What can you turn to when even the most powerful nation in the world is falling apart? 2024 is shaping up to be a chaotic year. Elections, Civil War, high profile poli...

Can You Handle God’s Holiness: The Ezekiel series, part 49 (28:20-26)
What’s one word you would use to describe Jesus? I’ll tell you mine today. And you can tell me yours, or be thinking on it, if you want. A second question: what might ...

The Year of the Dragon: Satan’s Fate in Revelation
The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 110You may or may not be familiar with the Chinese Zodiac, which assigns one of 12 creatures to each year. Some ...

How to Fight the Devil- and WIN
In II Corinthians 2:11, Paul says that we are NOT ignorant of Satan’s devices. Now “devices” is an interesting word. In the Greek, it’s the word “noema,” and it doesn’...

The Details in the Devil: A Description of Satan: The Ezekiel series, part 48 (28:11-19)
The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 108He’s the angel of light and the prince of darkness. And no, I’m not talking about Michael Jackson. I’m talkin...

Does Ezekiel 28 Speak of the Devil?: The Ezekiel series, part 47
The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 107In this episode, you’ll receive incontrovertible proof that Ezekiel 28 is a chapter about no mere human ruler...

The Devil is Wise: The Ezekiel series, part 46 (28:1-10)
The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 106AND Weird Stuff in the Bible: Episode 10 The Bible is clear about the importance of seeking wisdom. But will ...

What Should Christians Be Ready for in 2024? (with Gary Culp)
The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 105Pastor Gary Culp of the Exceedingly Abundant Ministries podcast joins me for a reflection on what happened in...

Why Land in the Middle East is So Important: The Ezekiel series, part 45 (27:1-36)
The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 104The Strategic Significance of the Middle East in History and ProphecyIn this episode, we explore the historic...

The Prophecy Against Greedy Tyre: The Ezekiel series, part 44 (26:1-21)
The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 103Get into your Bible today in Ezekiel 26. A chapter you’ve probably never heard a sermon or Bible study on bef...