How to Fight the Devil- and WIN

In II Corinthians 2:11, Paul says that we are NOT ignorant of Satan’s devices. 

Now “devices” is an interesting word. In the Greek, it’s the word “noema,” and it doesn’t have a direct English equivalent. It means “a mental perception,” “an evil purpose” or “that which thinks.” It’s talking about how Satan can twist the mind. Satan has his ways of warping our thoughts for his own evil purposes. 

Now, if Paul was writing this letter to modern Christians in America, I wonder if he would say it this way. I think he might actually say: “You Christians are very ignorant of his devices.” 

You need to listen today because this will teach you his tricks. 

Listen today because you have an enemy who wants to destroy your life and everything you love and he won’t lose a wink of sleep over it. We call him Satan, or the devil, the serpent in the garden, the dragon, or that guy who wrote the last season of LOST.

Whatever you want to call him, he’s real, and the Bible warns us about his devices, and we’ll be studying them on this episode of the Cross References Podcast.

0:00 - The Full Court Press

3:35 - Defense

22:55 - Offense

32:10 - A Warning About Fighting Satan

Unlock the secrets of spiritual warfare in this gripping episode of Cross References! Dive into the biblical revelations on the devil's tactics as revealed by Paul in II Corinthians 2:11. Host Luke Taylor explores the intricacies of the devil's "full court press" on our minds, drawing parallels with aggressive basketball defense. From defense to offense, learn practical steps to fortify your spiritual armor against the enemy's onslaught. Discover the significance of closing open doors to the demonic and the subtleties that can give the devil a foothold in your life. Luke delves into the powerful weapons of our spiritual warfare, emphasizing the importance of prayer as the ultimate offensive tool.

Tune in to prepare for battle against the spiritual forces of evil, gaining insights that will transform your understanding of the devil's schemes. Don't miss this enlightening episode that unravels the mysteries of Satan's devices and equips you with the wisdom to stand firm in the face of adversity.

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How to Fight the Devil- and WIN
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