Pharaoh Takes a Tour of Hell: The Ezekiel series, part 54 (32:17-32)

Death is not the end. 

A couple episodes ago, I took a little detour into Jude and analyzed this phrase “twice dead.” It was kind of a side-quest because I primarily use this podcast to dive into the book of Ezekiel. In that lesson, we focused on how the Second Death talked about in Revelation is not teaching the doctrine of annihilationism, or the idea that we cease to exist at the moment of death. The second death means eternity in hell, or the lake of fire, and you never stop existing.

I had no idea when I took that side-journey how well it would intertwine with what we’re discussing today in the book of Ezekiel, where the main idea of this chapter can be summed up as this: death is not the end. 

I didn’t plan it this way. Maybe God did. Maybe God has something he wants us to get from this chapter. And if so, it’s no accident that you’re listening today. 

The last episode was about the death of pharoah. Today’s episode will show you what happened to Pharaoh next. I’ll also share some thoughts on what chapters 25-32 as a whole in Ezekiel are communicating to us. And you will see more than ever that death is not the end.

This episode WILL end, though, and by the time you finish it, you’ll hear about when Pharaoh took a tour of hell and WHO he saw when he got there.

All of that today on the Cross References podcast.

The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 118

0:00 - Introduction

3:30 - The Fate of Pharaoh

15:00 - Death is NOT the End

21:30 - Closing Thoughts

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Pharaoh Takes a Tour of Hell: The Ezekiel series, part 54 (32:17-32)
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