The Best is Yet to Come: The Ezekiel series, part 62 (34:11-31)

Ezekiel has not been the easiest book of the Bible to study. Up until today’s lesson, most of it has been dark, depressing, gloomy and full of judgment and wrath. 

But regardless of the past, I have some news about the future: the best is yet to come. 

Because the book is making a major turning point in this section we’re in. So far, we’ve just encountered the bad news. But now we’re in a part called the Gospel According to Ezekiel. That’s what some commentaries call it. 

And the word “Gospel” means good news. 

So we have some good news for you today, and this good news will be in the form of future prophecy. This book is turning it’s attention toward the future for the material we’re going to talk about in today’s verses. 

We’re covering the back half of Ezekiel 34 on this episode, and we’ll answer these questions…

  • Why does God bring trials into our lives that cripple and hobble us?
  • Who is the David spoken of in verse 23?
  • Is it possible that we’re in the Millennium right now?
You’ll find out today on the Cross References podcast.

0:00 - Introduction

1:20 - v11-16, The Best Shepherd

12:45 - v17-24, Judgment Within the Church

19:45 - v25-31, The Millennial Sheep Pen

24:30 - Closing Thoughts

Special thanks to the Two Witnesses Live podcast for inviting me on their show recently! Here is a link if you’d like to see/hear it:

If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to

The Best is Yet to Come: The Ezekiel series, part 62 (34:11-31)
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