Esau, Edomites and the Palestinians: The Ezekiel series, part 63 (35:1-15)

We’re coming up on three years since I started this podcast, and when I started it, I didn’t know that by the time we got done, Israel would be attacked in the largest one-day massacre of Jewish people since WWII. I didn’t know Israel would be engulfed in a literal war with the Palestinian terrorists who have been seeking to overthrow it for decades. And I didn’t know we’d be seeing Ezekiel 35 being repeated so vividly right before our eyes.

But that’s exactly what’s going on. And the battle you see playing out in the Middle East right now is a battle that started- not on October 7, 2023, but- all the way back in the book of Genesis.

So how did all of this start, and where is all this going? I can’t wait to tell you about it today on the Cross References podcast.

0:00 - Introduction

4:30 - v1-4, The Identity of Mount Seir

13:50 - v6-9, The Sins of the Edomites

20:30 - A Brief history of Edom

33:33 - The Origin of Palestine

40:10 - v10-15, Edom’s Doomed Future

If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to

Esau, Edomites and the Palestinians: The Ezekiel series, part 63 (35:1-15)
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