All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 162 in total
Health, Wealth and Prosperity in the Millennium
Video available of this episode! Follow this link: Donald Trump was inaugurated as America’s 47th President rece...

Making Spiritual Decisions (Revisiting Ezekiel 21)
This week’s episode is a recent sermon I preached on Ezekiel 21. As I open the episode, I explain why I wanted to share it here…Video available of this week's episode!...

Sacrifices in the Millennium?!? The Ezekiel series, part 81 (Chapters 45-46)
Video available of this episode! Follow this link:’ve been studying in the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus for the pas...

The Government on His Shoulders: Society in the Millennium
Video available of this episode! Follow this link: love to quote this at Christmastime about the baby Jesus:Isaiah...

Millennial Kingdom Rewards: How to LOSE Them
I recently re-read Dave Ramsey’s book on a Total Money Makeover. It gives you the baby steps you can take to be completely financially independent and financially heal...

Millennial Kingdom Rewards: How to Earn Them
Video available of this episode! Follow this link:’ve probably heard sermons or bible studies before ab...

Fan-Favorite (Rebroadcast): Who is Ezekiel? A Conversation with Nate Vainio
A conversation with Nate Vainio, host of the Something to Gnaw On podcast. He has graciously allowed me to share this interview with my listeners over here. I previous...

Your Role in the Millennial Reign of Christ: The Ezekiel series, part 80 (Chapter 44)
Video available of this episode! Follow this link: the start of this year, I heard a tremendous quote th...

The Glory Returns: The Ezekiel series, part 79 (Chapter 43)
Video available of this episode! Follow this link: did God want Ezekiel to see this future Millennial Temple of J...

The Final Temple: The Ezekiel series, part 78 (Chapters 40-42)
The Final Temple: The Ezekiel series, part 78 (Chapters 40-42)Video available of this episode! Follow this link:

8 Things You Need to Know about the Millennium
Video available of this episode! Follow this link: way you interpret the Millennium does not just affec...

4 Views of the Millennium
Watch a video version of today’s lesson right here! or the end times- is a controversial topic among Christians. N...

The Heptadic Structure of the Bible: Why God Likes to do Things in 7s: The Ezekiel series, part 77
As I was going through Ezekiel 38 and 39- which were the two chapters on Gog and Magog where we left off in Ezekiel- I was struck by all the 7s that kept coming up. Li...

BONUS EPISODE: Satan’s Master Plan
Today, I am sharing an episode from my other podcast, Weird Stuff in the Bible. Each week, I dive into a different weird topic regarding bizarre things in scripture. H...

The Aftermath of Gog and Magog: The Ezekiel series, part 76 (39:9-29)
It’s not over until God says it’s over. And last week, we covered what happens in the battle of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38 and 39, when a coalition of nations band to...

The Battle of Gog and Magog: The Ezekiel series, part 75 (38:17-39:8)
In 1948, Israel was attacked by a coalition of five nations. The Israelis were outnumbered 2 to 1, outgunned 3 to 1, outclassed in every way, and yet they were victori...

Why Gog Invades Israel: The Ezekiel series, part 74 (38:12-16)
You might think that there’s been a lot of things going on the world this past week, and this month, and this year- but that’s nothing in comparison to what’s coming i...

The Timing of Gog and Magog: The Ezekiel series, part 73 (38:7-11)
Many Bible prophecy teachers have incorrectly said something about Gog and Magog’s battle in Ezekiel 38, and I might be one of them. We have incorrectly said that Gog ...

The Nations of Gog’s Alliance: The Ezekiel series, part 72 (38:5-6)
The Bible has a lot of strange locations thrown at us in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Persia, Cush, Put, Gomer, Meshech, Tubal, Beth-Togarmah, Mos Eisley, Alderaan, Obi-Wan Keno...

Who is Gog?: The Ezekiel series, part 71 (38:1-4)
We’re finally here, the most famous section of Ezekiel: chapters 38 and 39. The battle of Gog and Magog.This chapter is about an alliance of nations that band together...

SPECIAL: Back to 'The Day Satan Called' - with Bill Scott
It was the week before Halloween in the fall of 1988 when Bill Scott picked up the phone at his job at a Christian radio station and his life was never the same. What ...

The Myths of Replacement Theology and the 10 Lost Tribes: The Ezekiel series, part 70 (37:15-28)
I’m going to give you a great Bible Study tip, because some people have a really hard time figuring out what the Bible is saying. So here’s a little tip that always he...

What ‘The Valley of the Dry Bones’ Really Means: The Ezekiel series, part 69 (37:1-14)
There are two chapters of the book of Ezekiel that I feel are most abused when it comes to interpretation. Two chapters that people seem to just want to allegorize and...

What is Dispensationalism- and why does it make everyone so angry? (with Craig of
I can't figure out why I keep making everybody mad at me, so I brought in an expert to explain it. Craig of Awaiting Christ ministry and podcast joins me today to expl...

The Abrahamic Covenant vs The Mosaic Covenant: The Ezekiel series, part 68 (36:28-38)
There’s a strange contradiction in God’s promises to the Jewish people. In Genesis 12, God makes a covenant with Abraham to give him the land of Israel. In Genesis 17:...

How to Advance in Your Calling without Getting Stuck - Interview with Chris Pace about Level Up
Trying to figure out the next step in your life's journey? Today, I chat with Chris Pace about his new book Level Up. As I tell the story in this episode, I actually m...

BONUS EPISODE: Who Hardened Pharaoh's Heart?
Today, I am sharing an episode from my other podcast, Weird Stuff in the Bible. Each week, I dive into a different weird topic regarding bizarre things in scripture. H...

A New Spirit: The Ezekiel series, part 67 (36:27)
Last week I talked about how I did my parental duty and instilled the love of star wars into my child. Now let me talk about one of the stupidest things in star wars. ...

A New Heart: The Ezekiel series, part 66 (36:24-26)
Poor Nicodemus. That guy really gets a bad rap. Nicodemus was the Pharisee who famously came to Jesus by night, because he was afraid if he approached Jesus during the...

Don’t Misrepresent God: The Ezekiel series, part 65 (36:16-23)
A lot of people misunderstand the third commandment. The third commandment says, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.”Most Christians think that ...