The Details in the Devil: A Description of Satan: The Ezekiel series, part 48 (28:11-19)

The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 108

He’s the angel of light and the prince of darkness. 

And no, I’m not talking about Michael Jackson. I’m talking about the devil. 

A recent Barna research poll revealed that only 35% of Christians believe the devil is an actual spiritual being. 

That means at least 65% of Christians are deceived. Actually, most of these Christians aren’t even Christians, but that’s another story. Let’s just be clear on one thing today: the devil is real, and the Bible tells us all about him. 

And if you have any questions about the devil, we will probably answer them today on the Cross References Podcast.

0:00 - Introduction

2:00 - v11-12, Satan- The Power Behind the Power

5:25 - v13, Lucifer- The Prince of Darkness

11:30 - v14-15, The Imposter Who Looked Like a Cow

19:25 - v16-17, The Dragon- The King Under the Mountain

27:40 - Mailbag

30:30 - v18-19, The Devil Who Looked Like a Worm

In this episode of the Cross References podcast, join Luke Taylor as he explores the intricacies of Ezekiel 28, shedding light on the devil's past and unveiling the detailed descriptions found in the scripture. From Satan's role in Tyre to his appearance in Eden, each verse is dissected to reveal the broader narrative about the adversary. Luke delves into the symbolism behind Satan's characteristics, from being the "signet of perfection" to the "prince of darkness."

Episode Highlights:

  • Introduction:
    • Luke Taylor sets the stage for a verse-by-verse exploration of Ezekiel 28.
    • Emphasis on understanding the devil's presence in the chapter.
  • Verses 11-12: Satan, the Power Behind the Power:
    • Interpretation of Ezekiel 28:11-12 and the identification of the king of Tyre as Satan.
    • Insights into Satan's potential control over nations, drawing parallels from Matthew 4:8-10.
  • Verse 13: Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness:
    • Examination of Satan's appearance in Eden and the significance of precious stones.
    • Dr. Michael Heiser's insights on the descriptors of Satan's shining nature.
  • Verses 14-15: The Imposter, Who Looked Like a Cow:
    • Revelation of Satan as an anointed guardian cherub.
    • Exploration of the cherubim's faces and the symbolic connection to Baal worship.
  • Verses 16-17: The Dragon, the King Under the Mountain:
    • Satan's expulsion from heaven and his subsequent revenge on God's creation.
    • The role of pride in Satan's fall and its implications for believers.
  • Closing Thoughts and Housekeeping:
    • Luke Taylor reflects on the imagery of Satan falling from heaven "like lightning."
    • Teaser for upcoming episodes on fighting Satan and exploring his final fate.
  • Closing Verse:
    • Luke 10:18-19 is revisited, highlighting the authority given to believers to tread on serpents and scorpions.
Closing Message:

Luke encourages listeners to recognize their spiritual authority and previews upcoming episodes focused on combating the devil.

Join the conversation and deepen your understanding of the Bible with Luke Taylor on the Cross References podcast. Subscribe now for future episodes and insights into the spiritual battle against Satan.

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The Details in the Devil: A Description of Satan: The Ezekiel series, part 48 (28:11-19)
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