Sacrifices in the Millennium?!? The Ezekiel series, part 81 (Chapters 45-46)
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We’ve been studying in the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus for the past few months here on the podcast, and today we’ll returning to Ezekiel once again to see what he has to say about it.
You may remember that Ezekiel was a priest, and yet he was carried off to Babylon as a captive before his priesthood would have began on his 30th birthday, so he never got to serve in the Jerusalem Temple.
However, in the last 9 chapters of his book, God gives Ezekiel something that’s pretty special: a time-traveling tour of the future Temple that will be in Jerusalem for the thousand year reign of Christ.
So we’ve been talking about that tour and covered 5 chapters of it so far. We’ll cover two more tonight.
I’m not sure if I’ve commented on this yet, but this is actually Ezekiel’s SECOND temple tour in his book.
He was also given a visionary temple tour of the Jerusalem temple back in chapters 8 through 11, and that one didn’t go so well. He bore witness to all the terrible things taking place within God’s holy temple. That vision was kind of a bummer. The glory of God LEFT.
In this tour though, the glory of God came back. So the future looks bright in God’s Kingdom.
Except for one thing we see taking place in this future Temple that doesn’t look so pleasant. If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve heard that there will be sacrifices taking place in this Millennial Temple.
Why would there be sacrifices taking place when Jesus was the once-and-for-all sacrifice on the cross at Calvary? Doesn’t Hebrews make it pretty clear that God doesn’t need anymore sacrifices for sins?
We’re going to discuss that today on the Cross References podcast.
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0:00 - Introduction
4:25 - Ezekiel 45, Land Allotments around the Temple
17:00 - Fair Leadership
25:00 - Sacrifices in the Final Temple
37:25 - Ezekiel 46, Return of Feasts and Levitical Practices
46:30 - Regulations in the Final Temple
56:00 - Next Time & Closing Thoughts
0:00 - Introduction
4:25 - Ezekiel 45, Land Allotments around the Temple
17:00 - Fair Leadership
25:00 - Sacrifices in the Final Temple
37:25 - Ezekiel 46, Return of Feasts and Levitical Practices
46:30 - Regulations in the Final Temple
56:00 - Next Time & Closing Thoughts
If you’re looking for a detailed Ezekiel Bible study, cross-referenced with supporting scripture, this podcast will provide an in-depth look at the prophets of the Bible, with clear Bible prophecy explained. We explore Ezekiel’s visions and other Old Testament Bible study topics through careful Bible exegesis to help you in understanding the Book of Ezekiel in a deeper way. I’m glad you’re here, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you never miss an episode!