Putting the Bible together one piece at a time...

...making the connection between Scripture, Jesus and YOU.

Latest Episodes

Making Spiritual Decisions (Revisiting Ezekiel 21)

This week’s episode is a recent sermon I preached on Ezekiel 21. As I open the episode, I explain why I wanted to share it here…Video available of this week's episode!...

Sacrifices in the Millennium?!? The Ezekiel series, part 81 (Chapters 45-46)

Video available of this episode! Follow this link: https://youtube.com/live/PgafyQOcVEU?feature=shareWe’ve been studying in the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus for the pas...

The Government on His Shoulders: Society in the Millennium

Video available of this episode! Follow this link: https://youtube.com/live/uozruwJ8R9g?feature=shareWe love to quote this at Christmastime about the baby Jesus:Isaiah...

Millennial Kingdom Rewards: How to LOSE Them

I recently re-read Dave Ramsey’s book on a Total Money Makeover. It gives you the baby steps you can take to be completely financially independent and financially heal...

Millennial Kingdom Rewards: How to Earn Them

Video available of this episode! Follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/live/P8JUFPp4yjM?si=oAx7LmN6sb5AsLjvYou’ve probably heard sermons or bible studies before ab...

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